Ahmad, Yamin

At UW-Whitewater

University - Faculty/Staff
PROFESSOR / Professor (SS)
Office Phone
(262) 472-5576
Office Location
HH 4304C

I am a Professor of Economics at the University of Wisconsin - Whitewater. You may find a pdf of most recent cv here.

Current and Past Positions

University of Wisconsin – Whitewater, Economics  
Professor July 2015 – Present
Chair, Dept. of Economics August 2013 – August 2016
March 2021 - August 2021
Co-Associate Director, Undergraduate Research Program August 2011 – August 2013
Associate Professor July 2010 – July 2015
Assistant Professor August 2004 – June 2010
Northwestern University, Economics Department  
Visiting Scholar (Host: Giorgio Primceri) August 2019-December 2019
University of Wisconsin – Madison, Economics Department  
Visiting Professor (Host: Charles Engel) February – May 2013
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, Research Department  
Visiting Scholar (Host: Jonathan Heathcote) January – February 2013


PhD, Economics, Georgetown University, Washington DC 2004
MA, Economics, Georgetown University, Washington DC 2002
MSc, Economics and Econometrics, Bristol University, Bristol, UK, 2000
BSc, Economics, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK 1998

Research Interests
Monetary Economics, Open Economy Macroeconomics, Nonlinear Time Series Econometrics, Macroeconomics, Machine Learning

My research interests lie in the areas of macroeconomics, monetary economics, open economy macroeconomics, machine learning applications to macroeconomics, threshold models and models that incorporate nonlinear dynamics. I have published the results of my research in peer-reviewed journals like the Journal of International Economics, Journal of International Money and Finance, Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, Economics Letters, Journal of Economics and Finance, Applied Economics, and am currently working on several research projects.

Broadly speaking, much of my current research involves examining the dynamics of macroeconomic variables and the underlying persistence of shocks hitting the macroeconomy. I am interested in understanding the transmission mechanism of monetary policy and its effects on the macroeconomy. My other research interests involve examining the time series properties and dynamics of both nominal and real exchange rates, as well as other macroeconomic variables.

Teaching Experience

UW - Whitewater
Principles of Macroeconomics, ECON 202
Money and Banking, ECON 354
Business Cycle Theory, ECON 402
Intermediate Macroeconomics, ECON 302
Advanced Economic Analysis, ECON 413
Business Conditions Analysis (Graduate), ECON 736
Research Methods and Data Handling, ECON 740
Quantitative Methods in Economics (Graduate), ECON 738
Time Series Econometrics (Graduate), ECON 761

Previous Institution
Mathematical Economics (Graduate Level)
Macroeconomics (Graduate)
Macroeconomic Theory (Intermediate Macroeconomics)
International Finance



Community Service:

Assurance of Learning Advisement Committee (College)

Scholarship and Awards (College)

L&S Curriculum Committee (College)

Strategic Planning Committee (Department)

Assessment (ad hoc, Department)

Whitewater Economics Society (Department)

Professional Service:
Referee for:
Contemporary Economic Policy, Economics Letters, Economic Modeling, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, International Journal of Financial Studies, International Journal of Managerial Finance, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, Journal of Economics and Business, Journal of Economics and Finance, Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination, Journal of International Economics, Journal of International Money and Finance, Journal of Money Credit and Banking, Journal of Macroeconomics, Macroeconomic Dynamics, Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics

Select Publications:

"Temporal Aggregation of Random Walk Processes and Implications for Asset prices", (with Ivan Paya), Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics, 24 (2), pp. 20170102 April 2020
"Nonlinearities in Real Exchange Rates: New Evidence", (with Ming Chien Lo and Olena M. Staveley-O'Carroll), Applied Economics, 51 (25), pp. 2731-2743 September 2019
"Exploring International Differences in Inflation Dynamics", (with Olena M. Staveley-O'Carroll), Journal of International Money and Finance, 79, pp. 115 - 135 December 2017
"Outliers and Persistence in Threshold Autoregressive Processes", (with Luiggi Donayre), Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics, 20 (1), pp. 37-56 February 2016
"Causes of Nonlinearities in Low-Order Models of the Real Exchange Rate", (with Ming Chien Lo and Olena Mykhaylova), Journal of International Economics, 91 (1), pp. 128-141 September 2013
"Temporal Aggregation and Purchasing Power Parity Persistence", (with William Craighead), Journal of International Money and Finance, 30 (5), pp. 817-830 September 2011


Yamin Ahmad is a Professor in the Department of Economics at the University of Wisconsin -Whitewater. He holds a P.h.D. and a Masters Degree in Economics from Georgetown University, a Masters Degree in Econometrics (MSc in Economics and Econometrics) from the University of Bristol, and a Bachelors Degree in Economics from the London School of Economics and Political Science. His dissertation was in the area of Monetary Economics and is titled "The Transmission mechanism of Monetary Policy". His research interests lie in the area of monetary economics, open economy macroeconomics, machine learning applications to macroeconomics, threshold models and models that incorporate nonlinear dynamics. At UW-Whitewater, he currently teaches a range of classes, from introductory classes like Principles of Macroeconomics, elective classes like Money and Banking and graduate level classes in macroeconomics.

2019 College of Business and Economics Research Award
March 2019
College of Business and Economics, UW-Whitewater
2015 McGraw-Hill Distinguished Paper Award
February 2015
Association of Collegiate Marketing Educators (ACME)
2013 Hermsen Teaching Award
April 2013
College of Business and Economics
2011 Hermsen Teaching Award
April 2011
College of Business and Economics
Finalist for 2010 Hermsen Teaching Award
February 2010
College of Business and Economics
Finalist for 2009 Hermsen Teaching Award
February 2009
College of Business and Economics
Who's Who of Teachers in America
September 2008
Finalist for 2008 Hermsen Teaching Award
February 2008
College of Business and Economics
Nominee for 2007 Hermsen Teaching Award
March 2007
College of Business and Economics

Monetary Economics / International Economics
Georgetown University
Georgetown University
University of Bristol
London School of Economics and Political Science

Machine Learning: Foundations
University of Washington (via Coursera)
December 2018
Machine Learning: Regression
University of Washington (via Coursera)
February 2018

American Economic Association
Econometric Society
Midwest Economics Association
Midwest Economics Research Group
August 2011 - Current
Society for Nonlinear Dynamics
April 2008 - Current

Implications for Determinancy with Average Inflation Targeting
James Murray
An investigation into the explanations for real exchange rate movements
Eylem Ersal-Kiziler
Implications for Determinacy with Average Inflation Targeting
James Murray
Implications for Determinacy with Average Inflation Targeting
James Murray
Estimates of the Sacrifice Ratio over time
Luiggi Donayre
Teaching Economics Online: Best Practices
Predicting the Distribution of Inflation Expectations: A Machine Learning Perspective
Yanif Ahmad
Predicting the Distribution of Inflation Expectations: A Machine Learning Perspective
Yanif Ahmad
An Exploration of the Distribution of Inflation Expectations
The role of Limited Information in Asset Price Dynamics
Eylem Ersal
Bubble-like Behavior in Asset Markets: The Role of Limited Information
Eylem Ersal
A historical view of the determinants of real exchange rate volatility
Bubble-like Behavior in Asset Markets: The role of limited Information
Eylem Ersal
Exploring International Differences in Inflation Dynamics
Olena Mykhaylova
Bubble-like Behavior in Asset Markets: The role of limited Information
Eylem Ersal
Exploring International Differences in Inflation Dynamics
Olena Mykhaylova
Inflation Persistence and Volatility in Two Country New Keynesian Models
Olena Mykhaylova
Outliers and Persistence in Threshold Autoregressive Processes: A Puzzle?
Luiggi Donayre
Inflation Persistence in Closed and Open Economies
Olena Mykhaylova
Nonlinearities in Real Exchange Rates: New Evidence
Ming Chien Lo and Olena Mykhaylova
Nonlinearities in Real Exchange Rates: New Evidence
Ming Chien Lo and Olena Mykhaylova
Temporal Biases of Random Walk Processes and Implications for Asset Prices
Ivan Paya
Temporal Aggregation of Random Walk Processes and Implications for Asset Prices
Ivan Paya
The Persistence of Cyclical Unemployment
Causes of Nonlinearities in Low Order Models of the Real Exchange Rate
Olena Mykhaylova and Ming Chien Lo
The Persistence of Cyclical Unemployment
Volatility Persistence and Nonlinearity of Simulated DSGE Real Exchange Rates
Olena Mykhaylova and Ming Chien Lo
On the Correlation between Inflation Persistence and the Implicit Inflation Target
Stuart Glosser
Volatility Persistence and Nonlinearity of Simulated DSGE Real Exchange Rates
Olena Mykhaylova and Ming Chien Lo
Persistence and Non-Linearity of Simulated DSGE Real Exchange Rates
Olena Mykhaylova, Ming Chien Lo
Temporal Biases of Unit Root Processes and Implications for Asset Prices
Ivan Paya
Persistence and Non-Linearity of Simulated DSGE Real Exchange Rates
Olena Mykhaylova, Ming Chien Lo
Temporal Biases of Unit Root Processes and Implications for Asset Prices
Ivan Paya
On the Correlation Between Inflation Persistence and the Implicit Inflation Target
Stuart Glosser
Industrial Specialization, Financial Integration and International Consumption Risk Sharing
Temporal Aggregation and Purchasing Power Parity Persistence
William Craighead
Temporal Aggregation and Persistence of Nominal Exchange Rates: Are Exchange Rates Too Stationary
Ivan Paya
Wage-Price Flexibility, Exchange Rate Flexibility, Capital Controls and the Speed of Adjustment in the Money Market
Temporal Aggregation and PPP Persistence
William Craighead
Temporal Aggregation and PPP Persistence
William Craighead
Oil Shocks, Inflation Expectations and the Lucas Critique
Searching for Nonlinearity in Real Exchange Rates
Stuart Glosser
Searching for Nonlinearity in Real Exchange Rates
Stuart Glosser
The Impact of Temporal Sampling and Temporal Aggregation as Explanations for the Nominal Exchange Rate Puzzle
Discussion of "A Bayesian Analysis of Exchange Rate Dynamics" by Ming Lo and James Morley
Financial Fragility and Exchange Rate Regimes in a Small Open Economy - A Discussion
U.S. Bankruptcy in the 90’s: A Vector Autoregressive Analysis - A Discussion
Demutualization: A Hazard Analysis of the Conversion of Former Credit Unions to Publically Traded Financial Institutions
Russ Kashian
International Observations of Monetary Policy Periods
Searching for Nonlinearity is Real Exchange Rates
Stuart Glosser
An Empirical Investigation of a Nonlinear Exchange Rate Model
Stuart Glosser
Discussion of "Actual and Optimal Average Propensities to Consume Out of Wealth" by Laurie Pounder
Reconciling the Effects of Monetary Policy Actions on Consumption Within A Heterogeneous Agent Framework
Reconciling the Effects of Monetary Policy Actions on Consumption Within A Heterogeneous Agent Framework
Learning, Commitment and Monetary Policy - A Discussion by Yamin Ahmad
Foreign Direct Invest vs Portfolio Investment: A Global Games Approach
Pietro Cova and Rodrigo Harrison
Money Market Rates and Implied CCAPM Rates: Some International Evidence
Money Market Rates and Implied CCAPM Rates: Some International Evidence
Money Market Rates and Implied CCAPM Rates: Some International Evidence

Exploring International Differences in Inflation Dynamics
Journal of International Money and Finance
Vol. 79 Pg. 115-135
Outliers and Persistence in Threshold Autoregressive Processes: A Puzzle?
Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics
Vol. 20 Iss. 1 Pg. 37 - 56
Causes of Nonlinearities in Low-Order Models of the Real Exchange Rate
Journal of International Economics
Vol. 91 Iss. 1 Pg. 128 - 141

Foreign Direct Investment versus Portfolio Investment: A Global Games Approach
Heterogeneity and Limited Participation: Implication for Interest Rates
The Impact of Temporal Sampling and Temporal Aggregation as Explanations for the Nominal Exchange Rate Puzzle
Reconciling the Effects of Monetary Policy on Consumption Within a Heterogeneous Agent Framework
Implications for Determinacy with Average Inflation Targeting
Economics Bulletin
Pg. 9
Unit Roots in Macroeconomic Time Series: A comparison of Classical, Bayesian and Machine Learning Approaches
Computational Economics
Pg. 35
Temporal Aggregation of Random Walk Processes and Implications for Asset Prices
Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics
Vol. 24 Iss. 2
Nonlinearities in the Real Exchange Rate: New Evidence from Developed and Developing Countries
Applied Economics
Vol. 51 Iss. 25 Pg. 2731 - 2743
Exploring International Differences in Inflation Dynamics
Journal of International Money and Finance
Vol. 79 Pg. 115-135
Government Digital Information Discovery and Exploration: The Case of Unravelling Tourism-led Growth Paradox in China
Information Discovery and Delivery
Vol. 45 Iss. 4 Pg. 212-219
Outliers and Persistence in Threshold Autoregressive Processes: A Puzzle?
Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics
Vol. 20 Iss. 1 Pg. 37 - 56
Nonlinear Time Series Models and Model Selection
Causes of Nonlinearities in Low-Order Models of the Real Exchange Rate
Journal of International Economics
Vol. 91 Iss. 1 Pg. 128 - 141
Volatility and Persistence of Simulated DSGE Real Exchange Rates
Economics Letters
Vol. 119 Iss. 1 Pg. 38 - 41
Temporal Aggregation and Purchasing Power Parity Persistence
Journal of International Money and Finance
Vol. 30 Iss. 5 Pg. 817 - 830
Searching for Nonlinearities in Real Exchange Rates
Applied Economics
Vol. 43 Iss. 15 Pg. 1829 - 1845
Modeling the Time to an Initial Public Offering: When does the Fruit Ripen?
Journal of Economics and Finance
Vol. 34 Iss. 4 Pg. 391-414
International Observations of Monetary Policy Periods
IUP Journal of Monetary Economics
Vol. 7 Iss. 3 & 4 Pg. 7 - 43
The Effects of Small Sample Bias in Threshold Autoregressive Models
Economics Letters
Vol. 101 Pg. 6-9
Money Market Rates and Implied CCAPM Rates: Some International Evidence
Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance
Vol. 45 Pg. 699-729

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